How To Do Two French Braids With Short Hair

My instructor watched me struggle and fumble and graciously threw me a bone. You can do this French braid style with short hair without a p...

Braids To The Side With Twist

The long twists and set on top of her head to form a sweeping knot show off the braids all along the side. Loosely braid three sections and...

Big Braids To The Back Hairstyles

Braids are seen as just as glamorous and trendy as weavons and there are plenty to pick from. Classic Nigerian Braid Hairstyles. Pin On B...

Men Crochet Braids

Since you braid your natural hair underneath you do not experience the constant pulling and stretching. White men with braids is undoubtedl...

What Are Pinch Braids

Braiding has been used to style and ornament human and animal hair for thousands of years in many different cultures around the world. Dec ...

2 Layer Braids With Bun

One is having two separate braids from each side of the head and then twisting them together in a low bun. Braided bun also available. Ki...